5 ways you can use…Flip Cameras!

Flip cameras are a great tool for higher education for several reasons. They are small, compact, easy to use, and even easier to transfer to computer devices. The USB cable flips right out from the side of the camera and right into your device to reduce the hassle with cables and cords. While the flip camera cannot hold an extremely large amount of data (2 hours is its space limit), it is great to incorporate into your class projects to encourage students to get creative and really get into class material. Here are 5 ways you can use flip cameras in your classroom:

  1. Create a project proposing students to create their own public service announcements or commercials related to class material. This could work for any subject, from history to health!
  2. Have students practice their job-seeking skills by recording them interviewing for a fictitious job. They will be able to play back the video and engage in both peer and self-assessments.
  3. When students are delivering speeches in class, use the flip cam to record their speeches so they can view themselves later on and get instant feedback.
  4. Have students create a mock news segment related to class material.
  5. For an end of the semester project, have students create video diaries, reflecting all they have learned in the course throughout the semester.

Additionally, flip cams are a great way to record demonstrations or experiments (think chemistry or art classes) for students who may have missed class or want to review for an exam or lab practical. They are perfect to record segments of lectures where they need to “see” something to really understand it. Flip cams have the potential to make any project into an exciting adventure. For more ways to use flip cams in your class or how to use these devices, feel free to contact us!

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