The Scoop on QR Codes

You’ve probably seen them everywhere from coupons to packaging to ads in magazines-that funny looking box that looks like some sort of barcode. So what exactly is it? It’s a QR Code and you can expect to see them pop up even more often than they are now.

QR Codes can be scanned by your camera phone by installing a free app, and then they will direct you to a website for more information, a coupon, a contact page, or wherever the code may take you! So why am I telling you about these QR codes? Because not only are they becoming wildly popular, but there are now programs allowing users to create their own QR codes for their own purposes. Click here to check out how to create your own QR code and to learn more about it! Using QR codes in education could be a really exciting way to share information with students, making it more of a “unique” experience and perking their interests. They could also be used in more creative ways-think scavenger hunts, etc.

It’s amazing the possibilities with technology, and the use of QR codes has opened even more doors. Now that you know about them, you may begin noticing them everywhere-so scan away-and start by scanning our code below!

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