Voice Comments Integrate with Google Drive/Docs!

With the increasing prevalence of online courses and increasing use of technology, distance-interactions between educators and students is essential. While recorded lectures, emails, and discussions/responses are definitely useful, some of the most useful tools we’ve come across are tools that allow educators to leave voice-comments for students on their assignments. Today, we’re sharing Kaizena—a tool that does just that—and integrates with Google Drive, making it a perfect solution for us here at UIS!

Simply add the app to your Google Drive or go to Kaizena’s website and log into your Drive account. Then, select the student’s assignment and open it with Kaizena—now you are free to not only view the assignment but add both voice and text comments. There are great features to help keep you organized with the assignments you are commenting on, and allow students to request comments and feedback on a specific assignment.

For more information on Kaizena, click here!

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