Tag Archives: Study

Online Study Tools

Looking for a way to help your students study on the go? Give Flashcard Machine a try! Flashcard Machine is a free tool for creating interactive, web-based study flashcards that can be shared with others. Teachers can build customized pages for each course to organize flashcards. With over 42.1 million flash cards created to-date and an iOS app for use on iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, Flashcard Machine may be just the tool your students need to prepare for their next exam.

Studying made Easy

Are you a fan of quizzes but your students are not? Next time you give the “dreaded” quiz, tell them about http://Quizlet.com. This great website provides over 4 million sets of flashcards for any given subject. As a graduate student, I’ve taken an endless amount of quizzes, and really wish I knew about this website earlier.

Not only are students able to create flashcards or use those made by others, Quizlet offers new challenges to students with a “Test Mode”, and offers competitive study games. The best part of Quizlet is the portability (apps are available for a variety of mobile devices) and the ability to study with peers in a group. Be sure to let your students know about this great (and free!) tool so they don’t have to dread the “dreaded” quiz again.