Tag Archives: Upload Documents

You may think you know Prezi, but do you really?

If you follow our blog, Prezi is probably familiar to you. The free-web based presentation tool has given PowerPoint presentations a run for their popularity by offering a new, exciting point of view.  Prezi is entirely different than a PowerPoint and can engage audiences in a unique way, and capture their attention.

Now, although we’ve talked about Prezi quite often, we’ve got some new ways for you to use Prezi in your classroom!

1. Add an arrow pointing to a key detail in an image.

Click on the arrow while presenting your Prezi, and your Prezi will zoom in until the tip of the arrow fills the screen! Point to a particular part of an image, or whatever you wish to focus in on.

2. Use Prezi as a Mindmap

If you’re looking for a tool or program to use to create mindmaps, look no further! Prezi is your blank canvas, and your mindmap can be set up however you wish! Add images, text, videos, and frames to organize your thoughts.

3. Upload documents for discussion to Prezi

If you have a PDF you need to go over with your class, you can upload it to Prezi and then zoom on different areas, add text over it, etc!