Monthly Archives: October 2014

Updated: Exchange 2010 Updates on 10/28/14

Update 3:10pm 10/28/14:

All updates are complete!

Update 12 noon 10/28/14:

Updates are proceeding along, taking a bit longer than anticipated. No problems so far, but we are not complete at this point (about 70% complete).

Starting at approximately 10am we will apply Update Rollup 7 to the Exchange servers. It is primarily a bug fix patch with some Daylight Savings Time updates.

There will be rolling reboots, users may get the momentary disconnection message as the mailbox servers failover, users with Outlook in Cached mode should not see anything.

We expect patching to finish up around lunch time. No mail outage is expected.



ITS and Admissions LiveHelp upgrade

2014 Oct. 17 @9:36: The upgrade was only partially successful – the DB was upgraded, but the migration from uisappsrvprod1 to uisappsrvprod2 was not completed (due to loss of functionality.  A support request has been sent to StarDevelop regarding this latter item.

LiveHelp links on the web are functioning as before, and LiveHelp for Admissions was not even acted on.


On Friday – Oct. 17, starting at 8am the ITS LiveHelp web application will be upgraded to v4.12r.

Upon a successful upgrade to the ITS LiveHelp instance, the Admissions LiveHelp instance will be upgraded.

Outage is expected to be minimal, and an update to this notice will be sent when finished.