Author Archives: vhube3

The DB ActiveDirectoryScripts on UISappsrvprod2 is being migrated to the PRODMSSQL cluster (this is not the AD Deprovisioning DB Wisdom is involved with).

This impacts a number of apps – e.g. :

So outages can be expected today (1/5) up through and including Thursday (1/7).

Reminder: UISappsrvprod1 will be shutdown after lunch today (7/29)

The migration effort for moving applications and jobs off of the UISappsrvprod1 server was completed last week.

We decided to delay the shutdown of this server until after the Summer 2015 grade submission deadline of noon on Wednesday (7/29/2015) – i.e. today.

So at 1 p.m. today, this server will be shutdown.  It’ll be left in this state for a yet to be determined period – to handle any unforeseen issues that might occur.


LiveHelp migration from prod1 to prod2

The LiveHelp application for ITS currently resides on UISappsrvprod1 and will be migrated to UISappsrvprod2 this Friday 1/9/2015 starting 8a.

LiveHelp should be available again by 9a.


2015 jan 9@8:42: Done – LiveHelp is now fully hosted from UISappsrvprod2.


ITS and Admissions LiveHelp upgrade

2014 Oct. 17 @9:36: The upgrade was only partially successful – the DB was upgraded, but the migration from uisappsrvprod1 to uisappsrvprod2 was not completed (due to loss of functionality.  A support request has been sent to StarDevelop regarding this latter item.

LiveHelp links on the web are functioning as before, and LiveHelp for Admissions was not even acted on.


On Friday – Oct. 17, starting at 8am the ITS LiveHelp web application will be upgraded to v4.12r.

Upon a successful upgrade to the ITS LiveHelp instance, the Admissions LiveHelp instance will be upgraded.

Outage is expected to be minimal, and an update to this notice will be sent when finished.