Summer Goals: Time

We have been thinking about summer goals so that come the end of the summer, we will be able to look back and know that our time has been well spent, despite the more relaxed pace that the season can bring. Time is among the most precious commodities that we have. How we spend our time largely determines our level of success, and successful people generally know where their time goes. They continually analyze how they are using their time and repeatedly ask if they are making the most of the minutes in their days.

Yesterday we covered summer health goals including mental health and reflection. If you are able to set aside some time for asking yourself some questions, it may be worth your while. During the past school year, was it immediately clear to you which activities deserved priority placement within your planner? How did you judge whether or not something was worthy of your time and energy? Did the ways in which you spent your time accurately reflect your own goals and values? In looking back, were you pleased by how you spent your time this past school year? If not, what would you do differently?

Jot down the answers to these questions and use that self-knowledge while you set your summer goals, plan your summer, and start thinking about your next school year. You may discover that next year, you want to drop some activities and add new activities or habits or that you need to rethink how much time you are spending in some areas.

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