What’s Behind the Curtain?

Well, it’s really more of a screen than a curtain. I’m talking about the Interactive White Boards (IWB) available in all classrooms in UHB and in select classrooms in other buildings.

These IWBs are often hidden behind the projector screen, but they hold a great deal of potential for instructors in presenting their lectures.

The IWBs allow the instructor to move away from the instructor station (often located in the corner of the room) and remain at the front of the classroom. The instructor can control the computer simply by pressing on the board. Annotations can be made on any application run on the computer – commenting on Word documents, highlighting text on websites, annotating images, etc. Screenshots of annotated applications can be taken and converted to a pdf format, thus providing lecture hand-outs for students.

For more information on the Interactive White Boards, please visit our Technology Enhanced Classrooms webpage.

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