Seeking some Inspiration and Insight?

When the semester begins it seems like the ideas are flying around everywhere and inspiration is everywhere! As we approach the middle, sometimes we seem to feel like we’ve fallen into our routine and lack some inspiration and new ideas.

Let’s avoid the mid-semester slump before it even begins—with this new tool we’re sharing with you today! OpenEd is the perfect tool for virtually every educator-no matter the age group they are teaching. Users are able to access thousands of games, videos and educational resources that alight with the Common Core requirements and other standards of all grade levels.
Search the directory to find items for tons of topics, all organized to target exactly what you are looking for.  Create your own Playlists of items you find and organize them so they are all in one place to easily access in the future. Users can even create courses they can share with their students! Create a sequence of topics that help students meet their goals.

OpenEd is a great resources and so simple to use—we highly recommend it!

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