Tag Archives: Comments

The tool to stimulate discussion on YouTube!

This week’s new tool is one that is integrated with YouTube.  We’ve blogged in the past about how valuable YouTube is as a tool in higher education, and this tool makes it even more valuable!

YouTube allows users to communicate about videos through short comments that appear on a feed below a video. While this is a good way to share opinions and read the comments others have about the video, it is a limited feature. When it comes to educational videos, users may want to share more than simply short comments. They may have specific questions and desire thorough answers that cannot be covered in a short comment. This is where our new tool, Grockit Answers, comes in!

Simply search for a YouTube video and then post a question you have at any point in the video. When others watch the video, your question will appear at the same point in the video that you entered it. Others can then answer your question!

When videos are confusing or you could use additional clarification on the material presented, you can simply enter your question for others to answer. This stimulates discussion, thinking, and collaborating with others in an online environment. Be sure to share this tool with your students! It is a great addition to the online learning environment of YouTube.