Scholarship Stories from the University of Illinois Springfield

Stories of students at UIS and the generous scholarship donors who support their dreams

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Santiago Pedraza capitalizes on stellar opportunities at UIS

Santiago Pedraza

One day, while Santiago Pedraza was attending high school in his native Spain, his father said, “Hey, have you thought about doing a year in the United States?

Santi’s father had earned his master’s degree at the University of Dallas back in 1994. He had loved his time in the States, and he wanted to share the experience with his son.

So after his  sophomore year in high school,  Santiago Pedraza came to the States to attend school.

But instead of one year, he has stayed for five years—his college years at UIS–and he plans to stay even longer. Continue reading

Family emergency fails to derail Dan Garcia

Dan GarciaOver the years, Dan Garcia has been a huge help to us here in the Office of Advancement. He spoke at one of our big donor appreciation events, willingly appeared on a scholarship video and posed for the above photograph which appeared at many gatherings.

One day stands out in his memory—and no wonder. For Dan it was one of those “wrenching-news-hits-you-like-a-ton-of-bricks” days.

I asked him to start his story there.  Continue reading

How an Unexpected Choice Paid Off Big for Colin Blaydes

Blaydes Shooting for blog

Colin Blaydes was running out of time.

Colin, a basketball player, had recently finished  two years at a community college.

It was time to decide where he would go to finish his degree and complete his last two years of eligibility.

Colleges in Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri and even as far away as North Carolina had offered him scholarships, with the best offer coming from a university in Iowa—close to a full ride for his last two years of college.

The Iowa coach wanted an answer.

“We have this nice deal for you,” Colin remembers the coach saying. “If you’re not coming, I need to know so that I can give it to someone else.”

Just one problem.

Continue reading

The big question of WHY?

Acceptance Letters cropped wider
You might think the 4-inch stack of papers would be intimidating.

That stack on my desk includes more than 160 stapled acceptance packets that scholarship recipients must submit in order to receive their scholarships. Each includes:

  • a cover sheet
  • a questionnaire
  • a letter, often with more than one page.

And every year, I  read each of these acceptance packets, sometimes more than once.

A Gold Mine

But I love reading the packets because this seemingly daunting stack of papers always offers a rich gold mine of valuable stories.

“Sharing those stories” answers the important question of why I’m writing this blog. I’m hoping that anyone who loves a great story will check back in to read about the students at the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS)–especially the donors who create the scholarships.

I want to give them a huge thank you and an additional source of satisfaction and fulfillment from their giving.

A Special Right-Sized Community

UIS attracts students who want college to give them close-knit relationships not only with other students but also with the gifted professors who teach here. UIS takes pride in being a warm, welcoming campus where faculty and staff support what students are working so hard to achieve. Here, we know students’ names.

The students who receive scholarships soon realize that support at UIS extends beyond the campus to the community and to our alumni. Each year, students receive more than $400,000 in privately funded scholarship support, created by donors who find pleasure in seeing UIS students achieve their dreams.

Scholarship Stories will give students a chance to meet some of these wonderful donors.

Scholarship Stories will also give donors an opportunity to learn more about the students who receive their support. Because I’ll be telling stories about alumni, donors will enjoy seeing where their gifts have taken students.

The Proof in the Telling

I’m eager to provide proof that scholarship giving extends far beyond the student to benefit the communities, business, non-profits and families touched by scholarship recipients. So many inspiring stories!

I hope you find value in what you read here. I welcome your suggestions and comments.