New ITS Staff Profiles Page


On behalf of Farokh and several other hard-working volunteers, I am happy to announce that there is now a new staff profiles page that has a much improved look and feel. The new page is already up and running and you can visit it here:

This new look is in direct response to the requests that came out of our January staff retreat. The goal of making this change is that we each can get to know more about who the other ITS staff members are, what they do, and what interests them.

To facilitate that, the new page allows for the addition of more biographical data for each individual. This data is to be created by you, the individual employees. You have complete control over how much or how little you would like to share with other ITS staff and the UIS community. You can include text, photos, videos, and links to other web and social networking sites if you wish. Just look for the “Read more about…” links.

Need help with ideas on what to write about? No problem. We’ve developed a list of questions that you can use to get the creative juices flowing. Just see the file “Staff Profile Sample Questions.docx” on eDocs (

The information posted here will be publicly available, and needs to present both you and ITS in a good light, so please use good judgement. To submit your information for posting, first forward it to your supervisor for review. Supervisors should then forward the approved content to Jeff Suddeth, who will take care of getting it posted.

Finally, thanks to everyone who worked so hard behind the scenes to make this happen: Jeff Suddeth, Jamie Voyles, Tulio Llosa, Pam Rodgers, Gary Bach, Veronica Espina, and Maurene Hoover.


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