Fire Drill in HSB on Thursday, October 25th

This is a reminder that a fire drill will be conducted at HSB on Thursday, October 25 at 9:30 a.m.

In preparation for the drill, please be sure that permanent occupants of the building are notified in advance and reminded about the assembly point.  For HSB, the assembly point is the quad near the colonnade.  In the event of inclement weather, the lobby of Sangamon Auditorium should be used as the assembly point.

Drill Procedures

  1. When the alarm sounds, exit the area immediately.  Take personal belongings.  Lock work areas and offices.  Close doors.
  2. Exit the building using the most direct route and the nearest exit.  Do not use elevators.
  3. Report directly to the assigned Assembly Point.
  4. Remain at the Assembly Point until the “All Clear” is given by the UIS Police.  Please note that the length of the drill depends on successful reset of the fire alarms by Facilities personnel.

Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated.

Thank you.

Diane Rumme

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